Health, Safety, and Evironmental
At GT OmniPort, safety is a core value. Our employees are our most valuable assets and we are fully dedicated to protecting the health and safety of all our employees.
Upper management must endorse an effective safety program. At GT, safety starts at the top involving management leadership commitment and accountability. We know that to be truly successful, we must take personal responsibility for the safety of ourselves and those around us, both on and off the job.
Due to the nature of our work, we surround ourselves in layers of defense. We enforce a behavioral based safety program, wear proper protection, perform safety assessments and strive to continually improve training, protocol and procedures.
GT is committed to the belief that every accident, and therefore every injury, is preventable. We embed that philosophy into every project and through our diligent efforts we have consistently maintained a safety rating well below our industry peers.
The GT Logistics’ operations have been vetted by all major refiners and petrochemical facilities in the region, and without exception have passed.